out reach
Out reach programME
Lake Hāwea Community Centre operates community-based groups that focus on the people in our community.
Our groups include the "Wise Ones", "Hawea Hangouts" and "Haere Mai Hawea"
Hawea hangouts
Focused on fun for the family
Focused on the people in our community born outside of NZ
Exercise for Seniors
The Wise Ones
The Wise Ones is a friendship and support group for those over 60 years of age.
The Wise Ones include:
Art and Craft Group which operates from the Community Centre every 2nd Thursday.
Film Club organises regular film screens at the Community Centre and a Wanaka cinema.
Card Group meets in the Hawea library every Wednesday at 1pm.
Senior Exercise Group provides exercise classes with a specific focus on seniors
Hawea hangouts
Activities for everyone but with a focus on families. At least one event per month is organised for the family without a large cost to those who attend.
Hawea Hangouts include:
Monthly Events - Monthly events the family can attend. These include the Bonfire at Matariki, winter Polar Plunge, Christmas in the Park and more.
Activities for those living in Hawea district that were not born in New Zealand.
Haere Mai Hawea include:
Regular Events - allowing others to meet and greet and share the challenges of living in a new environment. A resource where advise and assistance is provided.
ESL Tutoring - Helping those that do not come from an English speaking background. Qualified teachers offer free tutoring.